2015 SCA Candidate Forum

There won’t be a Candidate Forum in 2015. Here are the reasons.

I have been volunteering for SCA since about 2003. I was the temporary webmaster after Ben’s accident, and part of a committee that put in hundreds of hours in past years to make the new website the best it could be. I’ve been helping with technical issues of the Communication Service for years. Several past Presidents could list the unofficial things I’ve done for them, which I asked not to be made public because it’s not why I did them. The Candidate Forum has been online for seven years, and it was a dawn-to-dusk effort the first week after it was announced each year. Sadly, in the past two years one candidate was elected each year who wouldn’t answer questions. Even worse, the answers candidates wrote for the forum were often quite different than their actions after being elected.

Along the way, behind the scenes, I learned a few things about the SCA community. The great majority of the people are good, caring, and considerate, but a vocal percentage are not. I’m tired of dealing with people who complain about everything. They have agendas and want their way, and get angry when they don’t get it. I’m tired of the people who fly off the handle without knowing the facts. The ones doing the work are all trying to do their best. And in most cases, the complainers are “too busy” to help. I’m especially tired of not getting support from our board.

I’m not tired of dogs. I love the breed. I started out with rescue in 2001, and that’s where I’ll spend my time from now on. I sincerely hope the club gets back on track. I’ll keep my membership for now, but I'm done volunteering my time for SCA.